Sunday, March 31, 2019

Something New

So let's just ignore the fact that I did not get off to the kind of start I wanted to this year, regarding that clean slate.  That being said, I've been thinking lately that I really need to get back into some type of writing every day, or at least as close to every day as I can possibly accomplish.  So to make it a little easier as far as what to write about, I thought I'd put together a list of journaling prompts to help me.  And I'll use one of those prompts every day (or time) that I write an entry here.  So we'll see how this goes.

Something got me thinking about the online journals I used to maintain in the past, first on Angelfire, which actually led to the origin of my forum's title, which is kinda neat to remember.  I called it "Life, In a Nutshell" and I thought of each entry as a sort of 'nut' in my life that I explored (cracked) when opening the shell it hid behind.  Hence, "Crack Your Nuts."  Yeah, I know how corny that sounds.

After that, I used MySpace's journal feature, back when the site was hugely popular.  I miss those days sometimes.  Facebook was only available for eligible college students, at that time, and while I was in college then, I liked MySpace better.  Oh and I'm forgetting Xanga, that had to be my absolute favorite online journal option, mainly for their customization options.  There was a brief stint with LiveJournal as well, but I mainly just created an account there so that I could comment on other friends' journals.  I ended up using Facebook's journal feature also, as their popularity increased.

Anyway... I better get started on those prompts so I can hopefully start tomorrow at the beginning of a new month. 😉
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