Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Pain, Pain, Go Away!

Ugh.  I knew today was going to be bad, from the moment I woke up.  Seriously, the meds I've taken haven't worked AT ALL today.  If I didn't feel like I'd be wasting my whole day, I would have just stayed in bed. 😶

In an attempt to ignore the constant pain I'm in, my day so far has been focused on reading.  I did end up finishing my book this morning, as predicted last night, (the review is already up on my "reading challenge" tab up there!) and I've read the first page or two of the last Odd Thomas novel.  He finally goes back home in this one, after his journey led him all around southern California for a few months, and I'm happy to know that his old friends are (hopefully) coming back into the story.  I've missed them.  Funny how you get so attached to these fictional characters in a book and they really start to feel like close friends whom you've known all your life.

Anyway, I've also spent some of my day scouring the internet for some reading prompts, because sometimes after I finish a book, I have a difficult time choosing what to read next.  And this general "outline" of what to read will help me in making a decision.  So I've compiled a list of my favorite prompts, in the following graphic:

If you're participating in a reading challenge this year, feel free to grab some of these prompts if you're stuck on what to read!  It really helps for that.  Plus, I like these because all of them can be used for multiple books, not just one and then you're done with the prompt.  I've got a PSD version that I'm going to be adding check marks to the boxes whenever I finish a specific prompt.  Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm a dork. 😜


  1. Interesting prompts lol. I usually go with what's on top of my Goodreads' TBR list.

    haha I just added the movie "Odd Thomas" to my Netflix list.

    1. Aw, yay, I hope you like it!! It's one of my absolute favorite movies!! Anton Yelchin does SUCH an amazing job of bringing him to life. ♥

    2. Oooh! Charlie from the Fright Night Remake! haha And thank you!

      I wasn't sure if the movie was adapted from the books, it's in the horror section.

    3. Ohh, I'd forgotten that he was in Fright Night! Lol.
      And yeah, the movie is based on the first book, it's more of a comedic horror, I would say. Haha. Though there are definitely some creepy parts in it. And even moreso in the continuing books.


Please feel free to leave your thoughts here. I love feedback! 😍😉

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