Sunday, February 25, 2018

More Lazy, Less Stress Please

And so ends our incredibly lazy weekend!  Seriously, we hardly accomplished anything, other than starting the process of cleaning out the fridge yesterday. (Which we did not finish today, I might add.)  But really, I feel that a lazy weekend was exactly what I needed right now, after the stress of this past week, with my neck issues. Still not feeling 100% in that department, but I feel like it's getting better, albeit extremely slowly.

I didn't even remember that today was the end of the Olympics either, until I saw the closing ceremony on the TV at the restaurant we tried out for the first time tonight for dinner. So that makes me happy that our shows are returning this week!  I've definitely missed having something substantial to watch every night.  We didn't end up watching any of the Olympics at all... it just didn't catch my interest this time.  Maybe in another 4 years.

My brother-in-law might be getting discharged this Wednesday. I'm sure he will be happy to finally get out of the hospital. The hubby thinks he won't ever go back to work, at least not doing what he was doing before (he ran his own business in the tile work industry). But even though he's going home, he'll still need someone around constantly, as he's not to the level of recovery where he can fend for himself yet.  I'm just happy he's doing well enough to be receiving a potential discharge date. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Anyway, now I'm off to bed. Goodnight, world. ๐Ÿ˜ด


  1. Crossed fingers that he will get to go home then!

    1. Thanks Mandy! ♥ It's not looking very promising though, since the latest report from his mom was saying that he was back to being slightly confused yesterday. They had to do minor surgery because he had a buildup of fluid from the many spinal taps, so not sure if he'll be leaving when planned now. -sigh-


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