Sunday, February 11, 2018

Treasure Trove of Moments

Today has been an incredibly lazy Sunday for us.  Seriously, we did almost nothing at all.  Though we did watch a movie just now that ended up being really cute and sweet, a Netflix original called When We First Met.  It was funny also, and reminded me of a mix between The Butterfly Effect and Click, and other similar movies where the main character attempts to alter something about his life by magically traveling through time to change the past.  After unintentionally being thrust into the "friend zone," Noah Ashby is convinced that he can change himself into the guy that she would want to be with.  And after discovering that he can travel back into the past via a unique photo booth, he does exactly that... again and again.  And obviously, every time results in a scenario even worse than the previous, until finally he realizes what he really wants, which is nothing close to what he initially thought.

My favorite quote from the movie is one that Noah tells the girl's best friend, towards the end of the movie, referring to something that she had said to him, although she doesn't remember it, because it was in one of the times that never existed to her:
"Relationships are about intangible things. They're about moments. The real moments and who you share them with."
So true.  Those moments are what truly matter and what you'll remember for years to come.  And while he's referring to romantic relationships, I think that can be said about any type of close relationship as well... whether it's friendship, familial or even a colleague... I have moments in my mind that I will remember forever, even if I've fallen out of touch with the person that it's associated with.  And I will always cherish them. 😊  It's one reason I love photography so much as well, being able to capture that moment in time and treasure it for at least as long as you have it.


  1. It's already on my list lol, glad you enjoyed it!

    1. Nice, hope you enjoy it as well, whenever you get around to watching it! :)


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