Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Interviewing Woes

Well... a month later and I'm still hating this job hunting process.  And I've established that my interviewing skills are absolutely horrible, at best.  I get entirely too nervous and then end up forgetting anything and everything that I have done in the past and fumbling with an answer that only ends up sounding mundane and not in any way extraordinary.  I'm pretty sure I don't stand out among the various applicants, unless it's for my tendency to be slightly awkward.

I think part of my problem is that I have to remember my past... and I feel like I've subconsciously blocked out large portions of it, after high school.  I guess it's a self-preservation type issue, so that I wouldn't have to think about certain things that have happened in my life.  I'm trying my damndest to come up with specific examples from previous work experiences that I can use in the interview, instead of something generic and forgettable... but every time I try, I come up empty.  I worked at each job around 2 years, at least.  You'd think I would be able to pull something out of all of those days that I had to report in.

Anyway... yeah, life kinda just sucks right now.  I just wish someone would take a chance on me and look beyond my crappy interviewing abilities and see that I could actually do the job.


  1. Woe, indeed, I know exactly what you mean by not knowing what to say when asked a question, happens to me all the time too, it's like my mind is wiped clean and there's nothing to even grasp onto... but you know what, those weren't the right positions for you anyway, you'll find something that feels right before you know it.

    1. Thank you for your response, it makes me happy to know that I am not the only one that has that problem! You explained it perfectly, that is exactly what happens. Thanks as well for the encouraging words, I definitely need them.

      I apologize for my late reply also, I have actually been working a temporary assignment for the past month that just ended yesterday, though it also had no interview process, which works out perfectly for me, except for the whole temporary thing. Haha. But you're right, I just haven't found the job that feels right yet.


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