Wednesday, February 28, 2018
Early Arrival!
Soooo, that last thing I said in my previous post? Scratch that, we are now getting our new fridge this coming Monday, 3 days early!! 😁 We got the call last night, shortly after dinner and I have to admit, I got excited on a pretty dorky level. 😏 So this means that we definitely have to finish cleaning out our existing fridge this weekend. I'm so excited to finally have the refrigerator we originally wanted six years ago! I'll be sure to post a photo on Monday after it's all settled into our kitchen. Look at me, talking about it as if it's a new pet or something. Haha. I seriously am such a dork sometimes.
These next few days are going to seem to just drag by now, hour by hour. And I can't think about anything else to write about, so I'm going to leave this post at that!
Tuesday, February 27, 2018
Wacky Weather Abnormality
So bounty contract week ended today. I thought I'd have a little bit of time this morning to get at least 2 more contracts completed, but when I went to the area where the mission is usually available, the kiosks were gone. 😞 I knew the event ended today, but I thought that meant by the end of today. Oh well... I closed out the week with 19 contracts total, out of the 50 that I needed, but I also wasn't trying as hard as I could have, so I'm happy with that amount. I'll just have to wait until the next occurrence of the event, which usually happens about once a month, so no biggie.
Our weather is being crazy this week, seeing as a city about 20 miles away from us got SNOW last night! Of course, it didn't reach all the way out here (it never does), and it was gone before 6am, but still! I'm so jealous. Out in my area, we're only getting insane wind. They showed a video (on the news) of the snowflakes just falling like crazy and it was so pretty. I think whenever we move out of California, I definitely want to live in a place where it at least snows in winter. The hubby was considering a city in Idaho a few months back, so that would work. 😎 But I'm not sure if that's still the case. He's also been talking about Texas, off and on, but that doesn't excite me, since I've already lived there and it wasn't so kind to me. The major pro about that location though, would be that it's only a 3-hour drive south of my family. So for that, I would probably deal with it, but I guess we'll see how it goes. The sooner we can get out of this state, the better.
In other news... a little over a week before our new fridge is delivered!!! 💖
Monday, February 26, 2018
Makin' Plans...
This challenge is getting kind of tiresome, but I refuse to miss any more days than I already have, so here we are again. ☺️ I hope everyone who happens to stumble upon my blog had a great start to their week. I know Mondays can be horrible for those with a weekly '9-to-5' boring office job. Although when I had a job like that, I never really experienced that because I loved the job. Mainly because of my amazing co-workers... I had a lot of 'second mothers' there.
Anyway... so the hubby and I are attempting to plan a little vacation for our one-year wedding anniversary next month. Though if we will actually go anywhere or if it will end up as a "staycation" depends on what's going on with my brother-in-law's recovery at the time. His mother usually stays at our house and takes care of our dogs while we're gone, but she is planning to be her son's live-in caregiver when he gets home, so it's up in the air right now. Our original plan was to fly to Seattle, since neither the hubby nor myself has ever been there, and explore the city in about 5 days. I think we can still work out traveling up there, but now the plan is to drive, if it works out that his mom can stay here over the weekend. Since my brother-in-law does have his wife and son to help out in caring for him, I have high hopes that we'll be able to go. Which makes me excited! 😁 I love exploring places that I've never been before! Along with the road trip, it should be fun. We'd be taking my car, so that's also another first!
Oh and by the way, someone from the next town over from us won the lottery, a whopping TWO MILLION DOLLARS! So lucky.
I better end this now so I can focus all my attention on Lucifer in 15 minutes! 😍
filed under:
California Lottery,
Sunday, February 25, 2018
More Lazy, Less Stress Please
And so ends our incredibly lazy weekend! Seriously, we hardly accomplished anything, other than starting the process of cleaning out the fridge yesterday. (Which we did not finish today, I might add.) But really, I feel that a lazy weekend was exactly what I needed right now, after the stress of this past week, with my neck issues. Still not feeling 100% in that department, but I feel like it's getting better, albeit extremely slowly.
I didn't even remember that today was the end of the Olympics either, until I saw the closing ceremony on the TV at the restaurant we tried out for the first time tonight for dinner. So that makes me happy that our shows are returning this week! I've definitely missed having something substantial to watch every night. We didn't end up watching any of the Olympics at all... it just didn't catch my interest this time. Maybe in another 4 years.
My brother-in-law might be getting discharged this Wednesday. I'm sure he will be happy to finally get out of the hospital. The hubby thinks he won't ever go back to work, at least not doing what he was doing before (he ran his own business in the tile work industry). But even though he's going home, he'll still need someone around constantly, as he's not to the level of recovery where he can fend for himself yet. I'm just happy he's doing well enough to be receiving a potential discharge date. 😊
Anyway, now I'm off to bed. Goodnight, world. 😴
Saturday, February 24, 2018
Theories & Anticipation
Sooo, I think I may have a possible reason for my neck pain. I had a theory yesterday that maybe it's from the car wreck that the hubby and I were involved in, about a year and a half ago, where some idiot rammed us from behind, while we were stopped at a stoplight, and he obviously wasn't paying attention. We went to the ER that day, both got diagnosed with whiplash, but other than a slight headache and soreness, that was the end of it at the time. But I wonder if it's possible that injuries like that can lay dormant for a certain amount of time and then randomly pop back up in this way? My head was thrown back in laughter when the car hit us and I remember my neck being abruptly jolted forward, so I think it's highly possible that this pain could have originated from that incident. Ugh, I dunno.
I just wish it would magically get better before we have to meet my mother-in-law and family friend (Reno) for a dinner date tonight. We invited them a week ago, when we ate at the restaurant and had the idea that the two of them would like the place also. It's just going to be annoying, having to pretend that I'm not in so much pain. That slightly-hunched-over position of eating irritates my neck so much more, which makes the process of eating somewhat difficult.
filed under:
Household Organization,
Thursday, February 22, 2018
One Step Forward, Three Steps Back
Ahhhh. So I now have this thing that I call my nightly "TENS Time," which is where I recline on our couch with my favorite TENS unit, just enjoying the feeling of electrotherapy on the back of my shoulders (since I can't put it directly on my neck). I ended up re-injuring my neck last night, when I spotted a spider on the wall, yelling for Jacques to come smash it with a shoe, and then he proceeded to chase me around the house with it (knowing full-well that I haaaate spiders), where I ended up slipping on the carpet and hitting my head on the floor. Obviously, it wasn't a serious hit, but it still did enough damage to set me back about 3 days, healing-wise. Ugh, so frustrating!
Other than dealing with the severe pain once again, my day was pretty typical. Except that I took the morning off to work on collecting some bounty contracts in SWTOR, since it's "bounty contract week" and I just now realized that there are some customized dyes available via collecting a certain amount of contracts. I never really got into this event previously, doing one or two contracts and immediately selling them, because they were in high demand from other players. But now I need 50 of them, and I think I'm up to about 8 so far. I most likely will not get all 50 of them this week, so I'll have to wait for the next time this event pops up.
Anyway... I'm going to leave it at that for tonight because I want to fully enjoy my time with the TENS unit. 💜
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Mid-Week Humdrum
Still trying to wrap my head around the whole grandmother thing from yesterday. Haha. People already never believe that I'm actually 34, now I can only imagine that look of shock deepening when I tell them I'm a grandmother also. It's probably the same look that's been on my face ever since yesterday morning. My brother's having fun with it though, as he says that I cannot call him old, since I'm now a grandma. 😝 (I'll still say he's old.)
So I'm off to a great start on my reading challenge this year, as I've now finished 7 books and it's not even March yet! Though I hate this part because I don't know what to start next... I've fully completed the Odd Thomas series so there's not another book to immediately start reading. This is why I like using B&N Readouts as one of my books because they do the choosing for me, each month. And if it's a really good one, I look forward to reading that chapter or two every morning. Although I do have some books already "on deck" so I'll probably just end up choosing something from there, leftover from old reading prompts that I didn't get done for last year's challenge. I should probably do that, at least before starting anything new, just to finish up loose ends. I am determined to get through all 30 books this time!
That's about all for today, nothing else really special to report. Until tomorrow! 😉
Tuesday, February 20, 2018
I'm a... Grandmother?!
Sooo, I guess the most exciting news I have for today is... I'm a 34-year-old [step] grandmother. 😳 Haha. I have no idea what to do with that. Seriously. It sounds so... weird. In other words, I was just informed that the hubby's daughter had her baby this morning. It's a boy, whom they named Dean Gentry. ("Dean" inspired by Supernatural, I think, since I know she's a big fan of the show.) Hopefully, she will get over herself enough one day, to bring the kid by our house, so that her dad can at least meet him once. It's a complicated situation, but at least he's being supportive, because it's not the kid's fault who his parents are.
All these babies being born within the past week kind of makes me think that it will never happen for me. And even if it does... now his/her uncle will be older. That's just... weird, also. Haha. Oh, this perplexing life I lead. 😵
filed under:
Monday, February 19, 2018
New Fridge + Mom's Birthday + Left Out
Whew, so today has been pretty busy. We started out the day sleeping in until around 9:00am. The hubby wanted to go to the gun range today (actually, yesterday but my neck was hurting too much) but decided instead that we needed to go looking for a new refrigerator, since ours is on its way out, as it is not pushing cold air as it should be. It'd take a few hundred bucks to fix it, but we just decided to upgrade the whole thing instead. Six years ago, we settled for that fridge, instead of getting what we really wanted, because we were not as financially stable back then.
So after a visit to The Home Depot and Lowe's, we ended up getting our new fridge at Best Buy, a 28 cubic feet GE model in black slate. They didn't have it available for delivery until March 8th though, so I have to wait as patiently as I can for the next three weeks. I can't wait to see it in our kitchen!
Sunday, February 18, 2018
Just Tell Me It's Over Already
So today has been a day of escaping the reality of my life... completely. Whether that is through reading, playing SWTOR (I'm currently working on leveling my Jedi Knight) or just randomly staring into space, while I try to give myself a neck rub, the best that I can, because the husband won't help me whatsoever. (so much for that "in sickness" BS, huh?) This whole neck thing is really annoying me. It was especially difficult last night, attempting to pretend like nothing was bothering me, while we had the company over for dinner. But alas, I am pretty much an expert at that.
Saturday, February 17, 2018
A Pain in the Neck... Literally
Today has been... exhausting, to be honest. First off, we didn't get home last night from the movie until around 1:20am, then stayed up a little bit longer so that Guinness could have some time out of his crate because it was Dozer's turn upstairs. So it was at least 2am before I finally got to sleep. I woke up around 7am, but didn't get out of bed until about 8:45am. But that's not even the reason I've been so tired today.
See, yesterday afternoon, my neck started hurting, just a little at first and gradually getting worse throughout the day. I had an upset stomach for about an hour before we headed out to dinner, considered canceling the whole night, but luckily, it got out of my system and I didn't have any more problems. So I get up this morning, with the intention of cleaning up the house a bit, in preparation for my mother-in-law coming over for dinner tonight... yet my neck is killing me, worse than yesterday. It feels like I have a constant weight on my shoulders, and I'm having to struggle to keep my head up, pushing against all that pressure. Ugh. It's not a pleasant feeling, and it completely drained my energy, after only a few minutes of cleaning. I took a few breaks, but I was determined to at least get the important things done before I quit for the day. Hopefully the pain will end up going away on its own though, because I really don't think it's serious enough to have to go to the doctor.
Anyway, we're trying out a new recipe for the Instant Pot today, Slow-Cook Cajun Beef and Grits and it's been cooking since about noon. With all the cleaning and other things on my mind, I completely forgot to eat lunch at all, so I'm pretty starving right now...
Friday, February 16, 2018
Hello Black Panther!
Well, even though the news keeps saying that Black Panther is the most highly anticipated Marvel movie and that it has already broken records, before it was even officially released, it's probably the movie that I'm the least excited about seeing. I'm not sure why, just the story isn't as intriguing to me as the others have been. Maybe the movie will change my mind on that, once I see it. But I won't know until 10:30pm tonight, when we are planning to see it. Which means that I will definitely be trying to fit a late afternoon nap into my day today, in an effort to stay awake during the movie, that is likely to run until close to 1:00am.
Speaking of staying awake, I didn't wanna wake up this morning at all! I hate those nights where you go to sleep and then it seems like only 5 minutes have passed until you have to get up again. But I woke up to the hubby's alarm going off at 4:35am, and even though we didn't get up until a few minutes after 5am, I still didn't feel like I truly got back to sleep for those short 25 minutes. I woke up with a slight headache also, the same one that was behind my left eye on Valentine's Day, but has now moved to my right eye... but my morning coffee seems to have temporarily relieved it for now.
Thursday, February 15, 2018
Hodgepodge of Feelings
(Isn't that such a curious word?! I just couldn't resist.)
Sooo, I finally got the hubby to agree to watch Me Before You last night, after a little over 1½ years of constantly asking him to watch it with me. And after it was over, he has the nerve to say "That was a good movie, why didn't we watch it sooner?!" Haha. And it was such a good movie! I won't lie, my eyes got misty more than once, which I had already expected they would. Sweet, yet utterly heart-breaking at the same time, but with a few scenes of comic relief added into the mix. I loved the chemistry between Lou & Will also, even from their first meeting. I liked that he ended up falling for her, after the type of guy he'd been before his accident. And Emilia Clarke did such an amazing job of portraying the infinitely happy, sweet and quirky Louisa!
I found today that it's sometimes difficult to be friends with someone that you have such a long history with. Someone who knew you way back when you were a teenager and also as an adult and all the times in between... I know I'm not the same person I was back then, and it's just kind of weird (that's not the right word, but it's all I've got right now) to me to know someone who knew both versions of myself. It also kind of sucks, especially if they cannot seem to let go of the past, and you tend to find them constantly, whether they are conscious of it or not, triggering reminders of things that you just want to forget. 😒
On a brighter note, here's a shout-out to my friend and most loyal reader, Mandy, since it's her birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY (again)!!! 😄🎈🎂 I hope you've had such a great day so far and been able to spend it doing the things that you love.
Wednesday, February 14, 2018
Happy Valentine's Day!
So first off, I'm not a huge fan of V-day, and we never make a big deal out of it. I don't ask for flowers or chocolate or for any other "present." The 'holiday' is just too commercialized and I'd rather save our money. Although that doesn't stop me from wishing everyone else a Happy Valentine's Day. 😊 This year I was also inspired to create another "poster" dedicated to my now-hubby, which I will include here:
![]() |
{ Full-view: HERE, if you're on a smaller screen. } |
Anyway... yeah so that was my morning. We don't have any big plans tonight, though we may have to go out to eat because I just realized that I thought the recipe we were using for tonight's pork roast was an Instant Pot one, but it's an actual slow cooker that you have to cook for hours and the problem is that the roast is not yet defrosted... sooo I will be preparing the marinade once it is finally defrosted, so that we can cook it tomorrow night instead. Oh well, at least I realized this hours ahead of time, instead of having another spontaneous dinner dilemma... although it kind of still is, because we will most likely have to resort to a quick take-out tonight (not fast-food though). -facepalm-
filed under:
Dinner dilemma,
Graphic Design,
Monday, February 12, 2018
Just ... Not in the Mood
So let me say first off that I am really not in the mood to write a post right now. But I'm going to do it now because if I don't, it won't get done at all.
... I hate how I don't feel that I can fully express everything here. Like something that's really annoying me, but I don't feel I can talk about it, for various reasons... one being that it will probably blow over within a few hours, or at the latest, tomorrow. But I don't even feel that I have anyone I can vent to, and so I kind of just keep it all bottled inside until I eventually overwhelm myself. I thought I'd stopped doing that years ago, but I guess old habits die hard, right? Ugh. I remember that I used to be the one that my good friends turned to when they had problems, and I'd listen to them and offer the best advice I could, but whenever I needed someone to talk to, nobody was around. And nothing has changed in that respect. I just wish I had someone who cared enough to notice when something's wrong and listen to me vent, without me feeling like I'm bugging them.
I hate the fact that I'm too damn emotional sometimes. 😞
Sunday, February 11, 2018
Treasure Trove of Moments
Today has been an incredibly lazy Sunday for us. Seriously, we did almost nothing at all. Though we did watch a movie just now that ended up being really cute and sweet, a Netflix original called When We First Met. It was funny also, and reminded me of a mix between The Butterfly Effect and Click, and other similar movies where the main character attempts to alter something about his life by magically traveling through time to change the past. After unintentionally being thrust into the "friend zone," Noah Ashby is convinced that he can change himself into the guy that she would want to be with. And after discovering that he can travel back into the past via a unique photo booth, he does exactly that... again and again. And obviously, every time results in a scenario even worse than the previous, until finally he realizes what he really wants, which is nothing close to what he initially thought.
My favorite quote from the movie is one that Noah tells the girl's best friend, towards the end of the movie, referring to something that she had said to him, although she doesn't remember it, because it was in one of the times that never existed to her:
"Relationships are about intangible things. They're about moments. The real moments and who you share them with."
So true. Those moments are what truly matter and what you'll remember for years to come. And while he's referring to romantic relationships, I think that can be said about any type of close relationship as well... whether it's friendship, familial or even a colleague... I have moments in my mind that I will remember forever, even if I've fallen out of touch with the person that it's associated with. And I will always cherish them. 😊 It's one reason I love photography so much as well, being able to capture that moment in time and treasure it for at least as long as you have it.
Saturday, February 10, 2018
Finding Excitement in the Little Things
So, one thing about me... I tend to get overly excited about the little things in life. Such as, when I first got a cell phone with an actual keyboard, you know, one of those that swiveled out and had those tiny little keys to type on. Haha. And now the keyboard is actually on the screen instead. I still liked that little keyboard though, it made me feel "cool." 😎
I had another one of those moments this morning on the way out of the gun show over in the next city from ours. There was a booth advertising this metal dual charger cord with both an Apple and Android connector, but that wasn't even what drew me in. (although it was a large part, because I have a Samsung phone and then an iPad Mini, so it was convenient to have both types of connectors!) The cords were colored. And they had my absolute favorite shade of green! So I just had to get one, which is what you see to the right of this text... it was like a sign or something. (Just let me keep telling myself that.) Though I still need an adapter to charge my phone because I forgot that the newest Samsung phones have a different one now, but the hubby says he has some extra ones somewhere around the house that I can have, although he still has yet to find one... the Apple side of the charger works fine though.
In other news... remember that reloading bench that the hubby and I were working on building awhile back, in January? I now have an updated photo to share, of the finished product:
I'm actually pretty proud of our work on this! From being completely made from scratch, I have to say that I like how it turned out. Teamwork pays off in the end! And I have to admit, this was sorta fun to make, to have a project with the hubby that allows us to spend time together on the weekends, instead of just us doing our own thing separately, which usually consists of him playing video games while I read, or play SWTOR. Although sometimes I like that also.
Friday, February 9, 2018
Welcome to The Olympics
Ah, I knew that was Randall (a.k.a. This Is Us's Sterling K. Brown) voicing the Opening Ceremony intro for The Olympics! Which is what I just started watching. I wouldn't say I'm hugely into the Olympics but I do like the winter ones because, you guessed it, all the snow! I really think I may have an unhealthy obsession with that beautiful white blanket. If you know me in the slightest, you probably definitely understand that statement. I feel like if I lived in a place that had more of it all the time, I'd be big into some of the sports that involve snow. I do remember going skiing back when I was around 12 years old, and I was pretty good for a newbie! I even went down a 'black,' although I wasn't aware that it was that level at the time, and I didn't fall once! Haha.
Anyway... even if I don't get to see all of the actual competitions during the Olympics, I do like to catch the opening ceremony, just because it's usually a pretty sight. And being able to see more of the stories of the Olympians that are participating, and what brought them to these key moments in their lives. I don't think I have the willpower or stamina to ever be even remotely close to a participant, as I wouldn't want to give up my life for all that training. 😳 So I'll just settle for watching them. 😜
I think the competitions that I'm looking forward to watching most would be figure skating and the bobsleigh. Mostly because a couple of my favorite movies involve those! (The Cutting Edge and Cool Runnings)
So yeah... Go Team USA! If you're planning to watch the Olympics, which sport are you looking forward to most?
Thursday, February 8, 2018
Definitely, Maybe...
Sooo, yes I know, I missed a day. However, I'm giving myself a pass because 1) I was in too much pain all day, with other things on my mind, to even be thinking about writing a blog post and 2) nothing really blog-worthy happened. 😜 I think I may just give myself one or two freebies a month like that, because there are just some days that are utterly boring and not fun to write about, and even less fun to read.
Anyway, one of my all-time favorite movies is 2008's Definitely, Maybe. I haven't seen it in awhile and I needed some noise while I worked, so I had it play in the background today. I love this movie so much, simply for its title, because I've always been so indecisive and I used to say that phrase all the time, before the movie was even made, or at least a variation of it. Funny coincidence, one of the main characters (Isla Fisher) is named April too! 😊 One thing I love about the movie is how real it is, regarding relationships and their complicated and somewhat unstable nature.
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Pain, Pain, Go Away!
Ugh. I knew today was going to be bad, from the moment I woke up. Seriously, the meds I've taken haven't worked AT ALL today. If I didn't feel like I'd be wasting my whole day, I would have just stayed in bed. 😶
In an attempt to ignore the constant pain I'm in, my day so far has been focused on reading. I did end up finishing my book this morning, as predicted last night, (the review is already up on my "reading challenge" tab up there!) and I've read the first page or two of the last Odd Thomas novel. He finally goes back home in this one, after his journey led him all around southern California for a few months, and I'm happy to know that his old friends are (hopefully) coming back into the story. I've missed them. Funny how you get so attached to these fictional characters in a book and they really start to feel like close friends whom you've known all your life.
Anyway, I've also spent some of my day scouring the internet for some reading prompts, because sometimes after I finish a book, I have a difficult time choosing what to read next. And this general "outline" of what to read will help me in making a decision. So I've compiled a list of my favorite prompts, in the following graphic:
If you're participating in a reading challenge this year, feel free to grab some of these prompts if you're stuck on what to read! It really helps for that. Plus, I like these because all of them can be used for multiple books, not just one and then you're done with the prompt. I've got a PSD version that I'm going to be adding check marks to the boxes whenever I finish a specific prompt. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'm a dork. 😜
Monday, February 5, 2018
A Day of Pain
The biggest news to come out of today is that my brother-in-law had another stroke. 😟 He just can't seem to catch a break lately. I'm not sure what exactly caused it, because medical jargon tends to go in one ear and out the other with me, but the main thing is that he was still able to put a shirt on by himself and move around semi-normally, though his eye is tilted and his left arm is still slightly numb. The doctors are conferring with a neurologist, I think the hubby said, in another city, at the moment. I was really hoping he'd be better by now, as I know it's a strain on my hubby's mind, since he and this brother are fairly close.
Sunday, February 4, 2018
Tears + Laughter = Emotional Rollercoaster
Well... first off, that episode of This Is Us was totally gut-wrenching. I'm not gonna lie, my eyes teared up more than once throughout the past 60 minutes. Of course, the teasers during the Super Bowl didn't help, consistently reminding me that I would definitely find out exactly how my favorite character died. Though I will say that the way they did it was very dramatic and respectful, and it worked with the vibe of the show. It's just so incredibly sad how sudden he was taken from the world.
filed under:
This Is Us,
TV Shows
Saturday, February 3, 2018
Errand Overflow
Today turned out to be a busy day of running various errands. Our first stop was a result of our visit to the outlet mall two weeks ago. See, we had a small issue when visiting Kitchen Collection, in that they refused to sell an item at the promotional price that they were clearly advertising in one of their signs in the front window of the store. The hubby had been thinking about buying the 6-quart stand mixer by Kitchen Aid, and after finding the color we wanted, the cashier proceeded to ring it up, only to find that it was coming up full price. So we had him call the manager, who still said no. So, after going over their heads to the regional manager to file a complaint, she made sure that we would indeed get the price that was promised, and she would have the store hold the mixer for us, for as long as we needed.
Friday, February 2, 2018
Happy Groundhog Day!
Apparently, he saw his shadow, so welcome, six more weeks of winter! ❆ I wish it was a colder winter here though. For some odd reason, I enjoy bundling up for cold weather, but that only means putting on a light jacket out here and lately, even that hasn't been completely necessary. On the news, they keep showing Minneapolis, because of the Super Bowl being played there this year, and it's in the single digits, with snow, and I'm so jealous! I know, I know, those of you who have to deal with snow all the time probably just think I'm ignorant and will tell me that I would get sick of it, but I really don't think I would.
Speaking of the news... there was a story this morning, about several laptop thefts occurring in Berkeley lately, at cafes and whatnot. Then there was a mention of people saying that they would no longer leave their laptops on their tables while running to the bathroom. Seriously?! You really expect your expensive laptop to still be there when you leave it unattended, in a public place? Come on, I thought people at least had more common sense than that. -shakes head- I guess the reason I know not to trust people that easily, comes from the fact that I paid for everything I had/have (pager, laptop, cell phone, etc...), and learned to be cautious and actually take care of it. Honestly, it's a very simple concept.
Anyway... Winchester came out today and I really don't want to see it. Just the idea creeps me out, and now the hubby says that he not only wants to see the movie, but he also wants to drive the 61 miles down to San Jose to see the actual house as well. 😨 The news reporter they had down there this morning said that you definitely feel a presence when inside the house, and while it's not altogether a hostile presence, it's still indeed a presence. And with me being such a scaredy-cat... yeah, nooooo thanks! -shudders-
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Star Wars State of Mind
Today was my Star Wars day. I'm somewhat addicted to this MMORPG, Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR, for short) and I'm not ashamed to admit it. 😜 I've never actually been a huge Star Wars fan in general, but when the hubby (then-boyfriend) started nagging me to play this new game he was playing, I finally gave in and signed up. Of course, he no longer plays, but I've stayed since July of 2015. While the characters that I started with him are in a sort of stasis, waiting for the moment if he ever comes back to the game, I've managed to rack up quite a few others in the meantime. Here are my top 4, the ones I play the most, and ones I just like:
- Lyzett Quaynis
Located within the bounty hunter class, this is the character that I end up playing the most, and who earns all the money for the rest of my characters, since I do weekly grinds on her a lot. She's capped at level 70, but is still working towards the secondary levels, by earning what is called command points, where she is level 202 of 300, currently.
Nixcee Quaynis
This is my smuggler (think Han Solo), she's level 70 as well, and I think 184/300 or so on the secondary leveling. I use her for the Republic side of the game, pretty much for a change of scenery regarding repeatable heroic missions and such.
Olykoe Snow
What I love most about Olykoe is his name (pronounced Ollie-koh). Not sure why, haha. I just do! He's also level 70, my Jedi knight, though I haven't played him in awhile.
Fyreia Royce
And this is one of my Jedi consulars, similar to the Sith inquisitor, but on the light side of the force. This was my first ever character that I created, back when I was playing with the hubby. I miss playing her. She's stuck at level 52 until he decides to come back, if ever.Oh and Happy February! I got through my first month of daily posts without missing any!!! (minus two days, since I started late...)
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