Saturday, January 6, 2018

A Rare Evening to Myself

So it's 4:10pm and the hubby just left with his brother to go to an all-you-can-eat-crab-feed tonight.  I am not a fan of crab in the slightest, so I voluntarily opted not to go with them, because honestly, it would be a waste of a ticket.  So now I have the night to myself.   We slept in this morning until 8am, which is the latest we ever sleep on a weekend, and after getting some breakfast at Black Bear Diner (if you don't have one of those close to you, you're missing out!), we spent the morning breaking down boxes, in preparation for a cardboard dump run.

We're trying to get the garage cleaned out and organized better, a task that we've been on for quite a few months now.   We decided to order one of those storage racks that mount onto the ceiling, so that we can clean out some of our existing shelves and make room to move other items around the garage, maybe even get one of our cars inside the garage as well.

See, Jacques has recently started "reloading" his firearm ammunition and he wants to have a bench that has no electrical components anywhere nearby, to prevent potential sparks that would cause a fire.  So he's wanting to re-purpose the huge work bench he built a few years ago, into 2 smaller benches.  Hence the cleaning out and rearranging of shelving and junk in our garage.  He says he's finally going to be throwing out a ton of electrical equipment that he's saved for whatever reason, over the years. (I can't even begin to guess how many bins full of cords and wires and computer stuff we have out there right now...)

But yeah, that's been the height of the excitement of my day today. 😄 I'm planning to spend a quiet evening here at home, working on a task for the Harry Potter project I'm helping Amanda with, and ordering a bowl of chicken enchilada soup with chips & salsa from Chili's later for dinner.

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