Wednesday, January 24, 2018

First [Almost] Forgotten Entry

[Struggled with the title on this one, if it's not obvious...]

So I almost forgot to write this post today.  But I suddenly remembered that I hadn't written an entry, while watching The X-Files.  Don't ask what triggered this realization, as I'm sure it was nothing within the show.  But since I'm not really into the show all that much (never have been), I took advantage of this time to write. 😊

As for something to talk about... I don't necessarily have anything.  Haha.  Nothing much happened today, other than having to get up at 4am to make coffee, since the hubby had to leave for work about an hour earlier than he usually does.  I actually woke up at around 3:30am, and was in and out of sleep until I finally got out of my bed.  So I'm reasonably tired right now, and I may fall asleep shortly, in the recliner I'm currently relaxing in at the moment.  It also probably doesn't help that I'm drinking a glass of egg nog (with brandy, rum and whisky), which tends to make me sleepy.   Mmmm. 😍

Random update on dinner last night, it was deliciousand we will definitely be making that dish again (the tilapia).  I've gotten way more into fish over the past several years, ever since I discovered how amazing grilled salmon is.  It just leaves me feeling healthier after eating it.  If you would have told me 10 years ago that I would be eating so much FISH now, I would have informed you that you were crazy!  I remember that the only thing I used to like about seafood were the hush puppies, and would only like going to seafood restaurants for that reason. (I still love them btw, although the restaurants out here don't really offer hush puppies with seafood; maybe it's a location thing.)

Yep, that's about it for today.  Boring, I know.  Have a wonderful night, if you've managed to read this far!

1 comment:

  1. I read all but the dinner part lol.

    I watched The X-files when I was younger.


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