Monday, January 29, 2018

Motivation Granted

So... sometime during the last quarter of 2017, we were on a slight 'fitness' kick, spontaneously purchasing the Bowflex Max Trainer M5 that boasts about a 14-minute workout, and the hubby went off and bought a book with a meal plan & training exercises for losing weight quickly, called The 30-Second Body by Adam Rosante.  We were planning to utilize the advice and training in the book after using the Bowflex workout machine for a while... well, as you can probably guess, that plan didn't work out so much, however much I wanted it to.  First off, the machine is extremely difficult to use, if you're not in the utmost shape... which, let's face it, we are not. 😶 I think the highest amount of time I could spend on it was around 4 minutes, without my legs turning to complete jelly.

Anyway, skip ahead several months to now... I get a call this morning from him, saying that he wants to start using the book NOW, because he's tired of the way he looks.  I've been trying to make this happen for a long time, because losing weight is so much easier (and more fun) when you have someone else there on the same journey to motivate you.  So we're about to head out to dinner and look through this book and start planning.  I'm so excited to get started on this!

Though I really wish my consistent headache that I've had for the past couple days is going to start to dissipate soon, because working out in this condition is going to majorly suck. 😒  I've taken meds for it, and it works for a little bit, but then it always comes back.  Sleeping has been the only guarantee to help so far. 

Enough of the negativity though, wish me (us) luck as we start this new journey!!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you! :) I kinda jumped the gun though, apparently we're using this week to go through the book, THEN starting it... -sigh-


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