Wednesday, January 31, 2018

The Potential of You and Me

Sooo, I couldn't help notice that this one song has been popping up almost everywhere I go lately.  On the radio, in restaurants, in stores, etc... and it's ironic, because it's a song that has an intense sentimental meaning behind it, for me and my relationship.  First off, the song is "I Will Possess Your Heart" by Death Cab For Cutie.  And I know, I know, some will say it's simply a stalker song.  But I don't see it that way.  To me, it's a song about someone who refuses to give up on a person that they love, yet the relationship hasn't been able to move past that level of friendship, for whatever reason.  In my case, it was my tendency to be guarded and close people off from getting too close, in an attempt to avoid being hurt.  Back when the hubby and I first started talking about moving to the next level into an actual relationship, this was the song that reminded him of me.  And he was the one who was so adamant and determined that it could work for us, while I was the one hesitant to move forward.  But he eventually broke through the wall I had up, and possessed my heart as the song says.  And look where we are, almost 9 years later. 😍

I found it incredibly sweet also, not stalker-ish at all.  However, don't get me wrong, I can see how it can be stalker-y but still, it's not how I see the song at all.  I see it as him never giving up on me, because he knew what we could be together, even when I was blinded by my need to be guarded.  Here are my favorite lyrics:
How I wish you could see the potential,
the potential of you and me
It's like a book elegantly bound,
but in a language that you can't read just yet
You gotta spend some time love, you gotta spend some time with me
And I know that you'll find love, I will possess your heart
You reject my advances and desperate pleas
I won't let you, let me down so easily, so easily
In other news... I made a graphic today!  For my reading challenge page, since I figured I needed a "Review in progress" note for my books that I'm currently reading and don't have a full review written out for yet, obviously.  And since the page where I'm writing all of those is now live, instead of a draft that I can work on until I finish all the reviews, I figured I needed something like that.  Go check it out on my "2018 Reading Challenge" tab, if you want!  (You should see it being used on book #5)

I also slightly updated the main banner up there.  Let's see who notices what I added... 😛


  1. No, no! The stalking song is "Every Breath You Take" by The Police.

    I won't know since I have sucky vision.

    1. Lol. Well, yeah, that is a better stalker song, I will admit. :) And the banner I was referring to was the title one at the very top that says "Everyday Scribbles"!

    2. lol

      It wasn't showing when I commented last haha.


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