Friday, July 6, 2018

Checking In

So... I know it's been awhile now since my last update.  As the year has flown by, I've gotten less and less motivated to write every day.  Plus, over the past couple months, I've become more and more involved in Nexus, which takes up a lot of whatever free time I have, especially since I have decided to attempt to dabble more into the RP aspect with one of my characters.  I'd forgotten exactly how much time it sucks up.  I'll try to update more often though, without making that sound like a broken record! -sheepish grin-

Anyway... today is my cousin Kara's birthday! 🎈🎂😊  Happy birthday to her!  She just gave birth to her first child (an adorable little girl) a few months ago, so I'm sure she's more focused on her, rather than the fact that it's her birthday.  But whatever she's doing, I hope she's having a blast.

Our plans for the rest of the day include meeting up with my brother-in-law, his wife and a couple of his grandkids to see Ant-Man & the Wasp later this afternoon!  I love what Paul Rudd brings to the character, and I'm excited to see what this sequel brings to the Marvel world, especially after the intense events of Infinity War a few months ago.  I haven't researched if the timeline is supposed to follow that or not, but I suppose that will be explained, possibly.
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