Wednesday, January 17, 2018

I'm Born To Indecision...

So now is the time when this blog challenge gets down to the nitty-gritty, as the saying goes.  At least for me, because my weekdays tend to be pretty boring and tedious.  I do pretty much the same thing every day, in the same order with the same routine.  But I'm really going to try to pull something out that's at least semi-interesting.  I apologize in advance if it ends up just putting you to sleep instead! 😏

Lately, I have been feeling kind of off.  It's difficult to fully explain what I mean by that.  For example, yesterday afternoon, I kind of had a slight meltdown of indecision and insecurity while getting ready for dinner.  I changed my outfit about three times before settling on just a simple long-sleeved, v-neck black sweater (with jeans), then I proceeded to pick out a scarf to dress it up a little.  I couldn't decide if I wanted to wear my favorite infinity-style scarf, or a classic one with tassels on the ends, and after feeling like I'd apparently forgotten how to even wear a scarf, I decided to go without one altogether.  Then, minutes later, I went back to the tassels, deciding to give it another chance.  Now, you may say this is typically what happens to a girl when she's getting ready, but in that sense, I am not at all typical because it never happens to me.  Yes, I can be incredibly indecisive at times, but never to that extreme, and usually my indecisiveness does not involve clothing.

Of course, I was fine by the time I actually arrived at the restaurant, and nobody was around to witness my small stretch of insecurity beforehand, but I just hate that I let it get to me like that.

Anyway... I'm dreading next week's episode of This Is Us.  The last few minutes of last night's episode were difficult to watch, because it directly leads up to exactly what happened to Jack, when you see that shot of the batteries hanging out of the smoke alarm.  And while I do want to know how it played out, at the same time I don't, because it's so horribly tragic for the kids and Rebecca. 😟 Maybe I'm biased because I love Milo and how he portrays the patriarch of the Pearson family, though I know it's not the end for his character, seeing as how they flash in and out of different periods of the family's lives so much.  But it's still sad.

Credit for the title of this post: thanks to one of my absolute favorite Shinedown songs, Burning Bright. 💙


  1. Your blog is doing better than mine lol.

    I've not watched any of that show, only hear people mention it.

    1. Aww! What's the link to it? I'll add it to my list so I can keep up and try to motivate you. 😜

      And you should give it a try! The concept and the way they format the episodes is just so interesting to me, I love it. And also how relatable and realistic the content is, it can get pretty emotional for me. Plus, I'm a huge fan of Milo Ventimiglia, ever since his days on Heroes! 😍

      lol I have posted a little.

      Is the show on Netflix to stream?

    3. I don't remember seeing it on Netflix yet, but they do have all episodes available on NBC's website. Although you have to link your TV provider to unlock them for viewing.

    4. Cool, I like NBC's CC/subtitles.

    5. yeah I know how you feel. sometimes the nostalgia wears off and it feels more like work. the goal of starting something fun and cool is completed. but at least now you can go inside yourself/talent and set other goals for yourself. see if you have a style. find out what your fav words are. perfect your talent. you can try flash fiction, poetry, essays, prompts from a beautiful picture you love, take one sentence and expand it, there's lots to do. but you are doing pretty good anyway with your commentaries so just keep going. i want nothing more than a Pulitzer prize from you, lol.

    6. Oh, only a Pulitzer, huh?! No pressure then...

      Seriously though, thank you, I'm doing the best that I can with what I've been given at the moment. :) I was actually thinking of taking a page out of your book and using the plot generator to possibly come up with a beginning of a story, but my problem with that is I can't get it done in just one day, lol. But your other suggestions are wonderful, I will definitely keep those in mind on the days when I'm struggling for something to say! I've been going through old journals also and I noticed I used to utilize music to fuel my posts as well, so that's another option also.


Please feel free to leave your thoughts here. I love feedback! 😍😉

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