Saturday, January 20, 2018

Saturday's Randomness

So I have the widget on my phone, that displays a word of the day, and today when I looked at it, I couldn't help but laugh... and then favorite the word.  It is:  "doodlesack," which means 'a bagpipe.'  It's just one of those words that I find amusing, especially when said out loud, but it probably wasn't intended to be humorous.

This morning was filled with errands, after a late-ish outing for breakfast.  We got the money situated in its new home in the Money Market savings account, which is predicted to make more in interest by this time next year, than it ever made in the last 15 years of being in a CD.  That definitely deserves a 'facepalm' and I'm kicking myself for not getting it done sooner.  After that, we stopped by Home Depot to pick up a 4x4 to use as new legs, for the hubby's re-purposed work bench.  We already took care of that, reducing the size of the bench, in order to have his big rolling toolbox fit in between that and the reloading bench we built last weekend.  So our garage 'remodel' is almost fully complete now, apart from cleaning off surfaces and sorting through some other things.  I will get photos once all that stuff is done. 👌  It's getting to the point where any amount of time spent in the garage is now just instantly draining my energy.

I spent our much-needed break from the garage, playing SWTOR (Star Wars: The Old Republic, for those who don't recognize the acronym) and catching up on some flashpoints, trying to get one of my main characters closer to the max tier of the last levels of the game.  Afterward, we went back to Home Depot to pick up some wood polyurethane to put on the surface of the work bench, and after applying the first coat, we're now relaxing in the family room, watching TV with Dozer laying against the couch at our feet. 😊


  1. I used to look at the sign of the day on one ASL site lol.


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