Monday, January 22, 2018

Obsessed with Quotes

   Between birth and burial, we find ourselves in a comedy of mysteries.
   If you don’t think life is mysterious, if you believe you have it all mapped out, you aren’t paying attention or you’ve anesthetized yourself with booze or drugs, or with a comforting ideology.
   And if you don’t think life’s a comedy—well, friend, you might as well hurry along to that burial.  The rest of us need people with whom we can laugh.
—pg 35, Odd Apocalypse by Dean Koontz

I love that quote.  There's a reason that they say laughter is the best medicine. 😁  And if you don't have any of that in your life... well, I'm truly sorry to hear that. 😞 I've been lucky enough to always have had at least one person in my life that makes me laugh, and for that I am remarkably grateful, even if they ended up hurting me in the end.

I really love quotes, in general.  I have several large Word documents full of quotes from different book series that I enjoy.  The Dresden Files, A Song of Ice & Fire, Harry Potter, and Odd Thomas are the ones I'm currently working on, although the Harry Potter file is the only one that's been fully typed out so far.  I'm still in the process of reading the rest of the others in its entirety.  I've always loved typing, and I think part of why I love typing out the quotes, is that it somehow has a calming effect on me, on an otherwise chaotic day.  Or maybe it just stems from me being such a reader. (It also has the added bonus of keeping my WPM count up!)  And it also gives me an outlet for my designing, in coming up with mock-ups of 'book covers' to use for a more professional look to the compilations.

Speaking of reading, my 2018 reading challenge is off to a wonderful start, as I've already finished THREE of my 30 books for the year, and this month isn't even over yet.  I'm hoping to make it four, just to get a head start, seeing as last year gave me some unexpected obstacles that slowed me down significantly.


  1. Copperboom! Me? I love my TV show quotes lol.

    1. Lol, I actually forgot about TV show/movie quotes. Love those too! I remembered that that was from Gilmore Girls, but I had to look up exactly what it meant, because I think I missed it when watching & rewatching the show.. they talk so fast that I can't keep up sometimes! :P You have the advantage of the captions there!! ;) (well, depending on how accurate they are... lol)

    2. No advantage when they talk fast unless you're a speed reader lol. I wasn't deaf yet when that episode first aired haha.


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