Friday, January 19, 2018

Lots of Tofu & "Puppy" Love!

Well, today started out like any other typical day.  Until around 2:00pm when I received a random text message from my hubby, saying that my dad told him to take me out to dinner tonight... and eat lots of tofu!  I looked down at my phone with what was probably a perplexed expression.  Turned out my dad was included in the message as well and he says his reason was because it's "Good Friday" (which it's not, lol).  My dad can be a bit kooky sometimes, but in an amusing way. 😜  So now I'm waiting on the hubby to get home, then we're going to drive out about 45 minutes south, to get some Mongolian BBQ at our favorite restaurant!  Thanks for getting me out of cooking once more this week, Dad! 😌

Anyway, so after I took an impromptu shower and finished getting ready, I decided it'd been too long since Dozer & I took a selfie together, so I thought I'd share the best one, over there on the right.  He ditched me at first, but I was able to take advantage of him thinking someone was at the front door, which is why he looks so attentive.  Haha.  And that's a little behind-the-scenes tidbit of how I get him to pose so well, sometimes.  Then I just hope that I look halfway decent as well. 😂  Google reminded me earlier that it was 5 years ago today (2013) that we brought Dozer home, at just 11 weeks old and around 30lbs!  Along with photos that I'd taken that day also... it's hard to believe he was ever that small!  Like children, they grow up entirely too fast.  I wasn't sure our house could handle a dog of his size at first, but I wouldn't give him up for anything. 💙 Even if he does wreck our house a bit (it's funny, because it's totally true; we have the chewed wood molding and dented corner walls to prove it). 

Full-view recommended on that picture, btw! (just click it) I edited it with the Prisma app, to slightly resemble a painting, spicing up the photo a bit.  It's definitely my favorite photo app, especially if you have a not-so-great quality photo, it breathes so much life into the picture.

And that's all for today.  I'm off to relax and hopefully finish off the book I started last weekend at the gun show.


  1. I'd bring a book to a gun show too lol.

    Nice picture!

    1. Lol, I was reading it while the hubby & brother-in-law took their concealed carry class for about 2 hours. :) Turned out to be a really intriguing story!

      And thanks! ♥

    2. Smart move bringing the book then!

      You're welcome!


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