Thursday, January 25, 2018

Spontaneous Movie Night

Soooo, today was another boring-ish day in my world.  So I'm just going to skip the summary of what I did during the day and go straight to right now.

Since nothing new in the way of TV shows is on until 10pm (Chicago Fire), the hubby put on a movie, Suburbicon.  And it starts out pretty intense, with a brutal home invasion in what seems like a perfectly safe neighborhood during the late 1950s.  After the first half hour though, it seems to fizzle out.  I'm intrigued to see what happens, but it feels slightly forced.  And weird.  Definitely weird.

I am not a fan of the way Julianne Moore is playing her character of Margaret though.  The way she talks, with a sickeningly sweet voice, like she's trying way too hard to sound like that perfect little 1950s housewife, who has it all together but you know it's all an act.  I haven't seen the whole movie yet, so maybe she's just hiding a complete psycho underneath, but it's rubbing me the wrong way right now.  It reminds me of when we were in Oklahoma last year, and my aunt was talking in the same manner, and it annoyed the crap out of me.  Not that I'm saying she's a psycho or anything, just to make that clear.  I'm only referring to the style of speaking.

Anyway... I'm leaving today's post at that. 😊 


  1. Have you seen the movie Hush? Home invasion with a deaf lady.

    1. Nope, never even heard of that one. But I remember Don't Breathe, with a group of teenagers attempting a home invasion of a blind man, who ends up giving them a run for their money, figuratively speaking!

      Sounds interesting though. 🙃

    2. It's on Netflix. I've heard of that, but never watched it. I have seen a Lifetime movie with a blind girl lol.

      Then of course The Strangers. Also watched some foreign movie. lol


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