Sunday, January 21, 2018

A Day at the Outlets... & a Scary Surprise

So today could have been a really bad day for us.  See... we spent the day out at the outlet mall about 45 minutes southwest of where we live.  We left at around 10:30am.  We did not get home until around 5:00pm.  What do we find out when we pull into our driveway?  We left the damn garage door wide open for the past 6½ hours!!  And the door into our house from the garage was unlocked.  I am so thankful that we live in a nice neighborhood, because everything was still exactly as we'd left it.  We would have known if anyone had come inside the house though, because the alarm was on and we would have been alerted via text message and a phone call if it hadn't been disarmed in time.  But still, that is a scary surprise to come home to... I am just so relieved that nothing happened.

Today may also be another day where I hit my step goal without really trying.  We got at least 7,000 steps at the mall alone, by walking through every inch of it (or so it seemed).  As of writing this post, I am around 1,500 steps away from my daily goal of 10,000 steps, and since there are still around 5 hours before I go to sleep, I think I have a pretty good chance of accomplishing it today.  My feet were definitely screaming on the ride home, which is horrible, since I'm too young to be worn out that easily.  I swear, I am going to get back into my 4-mile-daily-walking TOMORROW!  No excuses.  I'm not letting myself take the easy way out anymore.

That's about all that I have for today.  We're still figuring out what to do for dinner, since I was too busy speed-cleaning the house this morning, to remember to take anything out to defrost.  Ugh.  Oh and apparently, dinners this week are planned for at least 3 nights, because I forgot to skip the delivery from Blue Apron... 😫


  1. I'm glad no one tried to get in your house, good thing it was daytime too!!
    I've not been to a mall in years lol.

    Good luck on the walking!

    1. Thank you Mandy! ♥ I did not get around to walking, as it's been a rainy day, plus I forgot about an errand I had to run with the hubby -sigh- hopefully tomorrow!

    2. You're welcome!

      Darn weather and darn errands!


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