Friday, June 1, 2018

Begin Again

So I'm just going to write May off as a failure, at this point.  Haha.  It was way too busy with my mom here for the main majority of the month, so we're just not going to speak of it, and start fresh for June. 😉
So I finally opened up Photoshop and made a brand new banner last week ⇒

It's slightly out of my usual style, but I think I like it.  I wanted a version of this banner featuring Jessica Jones, that looks better on lighter backgrounds, instead of the one I made originally, which really only looks good on dark backgrounds.  I had another idea in mind for this, but I like how it turned out... I think.  Haha.  This one is also based on the second season of Jessica Jones, in regards to the image and the sub-text I used.

In other news, sorry for the severe lack of posting.  I have been really busy with work and gaming lately, as I decided to jump back into Nexus, and get my oldest character to the next tier of leveling.  It's difficult because I have to have a certain amount of wins from events within the game (referred to as the "Skill trial") and the timing of said events isn't always on my side.  But I'm attempting to catch every single one that I can.

We've been having some issues with our home security system acting up over the past month, and after several phone calls into customer service, as well as three technician visits, I think it is finally working again.  We'll see though.  Time will tell if the sensors keep working as they should, or if they start being screwy again.  The whole thing has been annoying, to say the least.  But if the problem isn't fixed this time, we're going to be getting a new system, and demanding that our cable company let us out of the contract for using their system, without consequences.


  1. Good luck with your security system!

    1. Thanks. We will probably be dropping it though. I set it today before leaving for the grocery store, walked back in through the front door, alarm does not make a peep. I stood there for 5 minutes, the sensor didn't even acknowledge that the door was opened or closed. Ugh.. entirely too frustrating. :(

  2. taking breaks are good. puts things in perspective.

  3. I can relate to this post, Ive been extremely busy the last few weeks all free time I have had has been spent watching films. Almost felt I abbonned my blog in those weeks.. also have had my share of electronic issues as well lol.

    Here is to the new month and getting back on track!


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