Monday, May 7, 2018

False Hope

Well... that hope that May would be the month where I wouldn't miss any days for this blog is forever gone.  Haha.  It has been busy here, what with trying to get everything cleaned up and ready for my mom's visit for the next two weeks.  I'm so excited that I'll be seeing her on Wednesday!  But this massive cleaning of the house is wearing me out.  Although it doesn't help that I ran into a door handle yesterday morning, so now a large portion of my forearm is bruised and sore.  It was a really hard hit, I couldn't move my arm at all for several moments.  And yes, I really am that stupidly clumsy. 😒

Anyway, that brings me to a small rant that I have to get off my chest.  Although I don't know how to really explain it, because it has to do with something that I can't openly talk about... ugh... I hate how something traumatic happened to me over 10 years ago, and it follows me around forever, changing how people react to certain things, at least the people who know what happened.  I don't want to forever be known as 'that girl.'  But I'm afraid that I always will be, at least in their eyes.  For now, I just brush it off and move on, which is really all I can do.  Sorry for being so vague. 

I suppose I should get back to cleaning now.  I have so many more tedious little tasks to get done, and I really hope I'm going to be able to get through most of them today, rather than tomorrow... I hope the title of this entry isn't accurate in that regard though!  Haha.

Oh and on a side note, today marks NINE YEARS since my hubby and I first started dating!  👀

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