Thursday, April 12, 2018

Queue the Butterflies

-slowly inhales a large breath and exhales-

So.  I've officially completed the story and submitted it.  Which means the butterflies in my stomach will be wreaking havoc until Sunday when the winner is announced.  I'm slightly bummed though, because when I copied it into the game's mailing system, it was too long.  There was a length requirement that it had to fit within one page of mail, and no more than that.  So I had to majorly skim it down, keeping only the vital information needed.  But I did keep a copy of the original FULL story, which I will share here after the contest is over, since I can't post it until then.  Sooo look for that on Sunday's entry! 😁

I also updated my photoblog this morning (feel free to check that out via the link at the top), with photos that I'd taken from our drive to Oklahoma City back at the end of 2016/beginning of 2017.  I'm so behind on those posts, but I'm already planning another post for the 19th, as a tribute to the memorial of the tragedy that took place on that day 23 years ago (1995), so maybe I'll get caught up soon, if I stay motivated to keep updating.  Anyway, I'm always a little nervous when posting my photos on there, or really with sharing any of my artwork in general.  I don't think I'd make it as a professional in the arts scene, performing or otherwise, because I'm too self-conscious about my stuff.  Ugh. 😶

Especially where writing is concerned.  I always second-guess myself, after reading what I've written, and then have to rewrite and rewrite and rewrite until I'm blue in the face.  And it's a vicious cycle that makes me feel like I'll never get it to sound right.

Anyway... enough about that stuff!  I better go finish getting ready for Food Truck Thursday tonight!  My stomach is already growling! 😋


  1. I'm a terrible writer too, but I like to think that I'm good at talking. I always think to myself "if I'm going to write, I will write like I'm talking to someone." The hard part is finding out who *you are* when you are talking. Are you; an equal fried, an authority figure, an acquaintance, etc. Find out "who you are" when talking to the reader and it can become easier to write. This is even better when you write as a fictitious character because you don't have to be apologetic for their speech, grammar, or punctuation.

    1. Yeah, I completely understand what you're saying. :) I'm not even good at talking though, haha... I get too nervous because I'm shy and then end up slightly awkward.
      Unless I know the person well, of course. When I write dialogue though, I always have to say it out loud to make sure it sounds right, because sometimes I write in a way that no one would ever actually speak, haha.


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