Thursday, March 29, 2018

Another Birthday!

So it's safe to say that March is a pretty important month in our family, and today is another special day, as it is my dad's birthday!  Although he's probably not having the best time at the moment, seeing as he just recently had knee replacement surgery and is still in recovery.  But I still made sure to send him a 'happy birthday' text early this morning, since he is supposed to be resting and I didn't want to possibly wake him up if he was sleeping.  (He's 3 hours ahead of me, so it wouldn't have been too early to contact him.)

So anyway, HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dad! 🎂🎈🎉
Here are some photos from his early years, along with my favorites from my wedding last year. 💙💜

I love him so much and I would not be the person I am today without him in my life.  I hope he manages to have the best day he can possibly have, in his current condition.

As far as posting goes... I know I've slacked off far too much this month.  I'm going to attempt to do better next month, so that this blog can actually live up to its name. 😜 

We had a small scare with Dozer last weekend.  See, on Friday I had noticed a peculiar bump on his lower back, past the hip bone.  I watched it increase in size within that day, and had the hubby take a look at it when he got home, asking if it was worrisome enough to make an emergency vet visit... but after examining it, he said he thought it was a hematoma, which is a painful pool of blood that forms outside of the blood vessels.  He didn't think it was serious enough to take him to the vet, but he said if I wanted to try to schedule an appointment, we could, or wait until the next day to see if it had progressed beyond its current size.  I opted to wait and see, which was a good thing because it turned out just being what he thought it was.  Dozer sometimes plays pretty rough around the house and knocks into stuff, so we think it was from that, or when he lays down on his bed in the family room, and maybe hit the area on the corner of the hearth.  He never cried or anything though, so I'm not sure if it was even painful for him.  But he usually doesn't ever cry unless he's in A LOT of pain, like when we took him in to get neutered, which is the ONLY time I've heard him cry.  He's a tough cookie. 😊🐾 

Anyway, the point is that the bump has gone down significantly now, to the point where it's almost not even there, so I'm glad we didn't waste money for a vet visit, after all.

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