Sunday, March 4, 2018

Waiting [Impatiently] for Tomorrow...

Sooo, I've noticed now that the people who started this challenge with me have kind of dwindled down in their postings lately.  I totally get it, but it just makes it less fun when there's not so much activity anymore.  It's reminding me of forum-ing actually, because the same concept applies.  And I've tried so very hard with my forum for so many years, only to be disappointed by that sudden drop in postings.  I've already made peace with the fact that it'll never be like it used to, but it's still sad, especially on the days when I'm nostalgic for the past.

Anyway... I really was not in the mood to clean today... AT ALL.  I did end up getting the vacuuming done, as well as unloading/reloading the dishwasher, and cleaning off the kitchen counters, except for the pots & pans that still need to be washed.  But I think I'll save the rest for tomorrow morning, to give me something to do while we wait for the delivery guys to get here with our fridge, since I know I am going to be bouncing off the walls with impatience until they get here!!  Hell, if I felt better right now, I'd be doing that already. 😛

I think we're about to head out to dinner now though, or at least I need to remind the hubby that we need to eat soon, because we had a late-ish breakfast and skipped lunch and my tummy's getting hungry.  I was trying to convince him to go pick it up and bring it back home, so that I can eat at home in pain, instead of at the restaurant, but he wants to go there so that he can get a free refill on the special-flavor-of-lemonade-that-I-can't-remember-what-it's-called-right-now.  Ugh, on to suffer in public, I guess. 😉

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