Sunday, February 18, 2018

Just Tell Me It's Over Already

So today has been a day of escaping the reality of my life... completely.  Whether that is through reading, playing SWTOR (I'm currently working on leveling my Jedi Knight) or just randomly staring into space, while I try to give myself a neck rub, the best that I can, because the husband won't help me whatsoever. (so much for that "in sickness" BS, huh?)  This whole neck thing is really annoying me.  It was especially difficult last night, attempting to pretend like nothing was bothering me, while we had the company over for dinner.  But alas, I am pretty much an expert at that.

Ugh, sorry this post has been tainted with a slightly depressing vibe so far... it's just been a really shitty day.  Which is another reason for my slip into trying to escape reality for a bit, at least until things get better.  I wish I could go into exactly why today has been so crappy, but I can't.  I just hope it will blow over soon, because I can't deal with it right now.  And the more I think about the whole thing, the more I am doubting some of the decisions that I've made in my life, sooooo... -stops thinking about it-

On a happier note, happy birthday to my Aunt Becky today!  We just saw her last November when we were out in OKC for my niece's birth, and we had a good visit with her.

That's really all I have for now.  Someone please just tell me that today is over already. 😭  And that hopefully tomorrow will be better. -sigh-


Please feel free to leave your thoughts here. I love feedback! 😍😉

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