Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Wacky Weather Abnormality

So bounty contract week ended today.  I thought I'd have a little bit of time this morning to get at least 2 more contracts completed, but when I went to the area where the mission is usually available, the kiosks were gone. 😞  I knew the event ended today, but I thought that meant by the end of today.  Oh well... I closed out the week with 19 contracts total, out of the 50 that I needed, but I also wasn't trying as hard as I could have, so I'm happy with that amount.  I'll just have to wait until the next occurrence of the event, which usually happens about once a month, so no biggie.

Our weather is being crazy this week, seeing as a city about 20 miles away from us got SNOW last night!  Of course, it didn't reach all the way out here (it never does), and it was gone before 6am, but still!  I'm so jealous.  Out in my area, we're only getting insane wind.  They showed a video (on the news) of the snowflakes just falling like crazy and it was so pretty.  I think whenever we move out of California, I definitely want to live in a place where it at least snows in winter.  The hubby was considering a city in Idaho a few months back, so that would work. 😎  But I'm not sure if that's still the case.  He's also been talking about Texas, off and on, but that doesn't excite me, since I've already lived there and it wasn't so kind to me.  The major pro about that location though, would be that it's only a 3-hour drive south of my family.  So for that, I would probably deal with it, but I guess we'll see how it goes.  The sooner we can get out of this state, the better.

In other news... a little over a week before our new fridge is delivered!!! 💖 

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