Saturday, February 24, 2018

Theories & Anticipation

Sooo, I think I may have a possible reason for my neck pain.  I had a theory yesterday that maybe it's from the car wreck that the hubby and I were involved in, about a year and a half ago, where some idiot rammed us from behind, while we were stopped at a stoplight, and he obviously wasn't paying attention.  We went to the ER that day, both got diagnosed with whiplash, but other than a slight headache and soreness, that was the end of it at the time.  But I wonder if it's possible that injuries like that can lay dormant for a certain amount of time and then randomly pop back up in this way?  My head was thrown back in laughter when the car hit us and I remember my neck being abruptly jolted forward, so I think it's highly possible that this pain could have originated from that incident.  Ugh, I dunno.

I just wish it would magically get better before we have to meet my mother-in-law and family friend (Reno) for a dinner date tonight.  We invited them a week ago, when we ate at the restaurant and had the idea that the two of them would like the place also.  It's just going to be annoying, having to pretend that I'm not in so much pain.  That slightly-hunched-over position of eating irritates my neck so much more, which makes the process of eating somewhat difficult.

Anyway... we've had a pretty lazy day so far... this morning after a big breakfast of bacon, fried eggs, an English muffin and coffee, I was playing SWTOR while the TENS unit rubbed my shoulders and it was great, although the vibrations jerked my fingers a little at times when it was most intense.  Haha.  Good thing I wasn't doing anything risky in the game, or I would have died.

We've also started cleaning out the fridge, in preparation for the new one we'll get delivered next month, and just because it really needed the cleanup.  Seriously, it was looking horrible!  We didn't finish the task but we'll pick it back up probably tomorrow or so.  Not like we don't have enough time to get it done, unless they decide to deliver the fridge early!  (fingers crossed, that would be awesome)  This pain in my neck has at least distracted me enough so that I'm not constantly thinking about my impatience at wanting the new fridge NOW! 😊

Anyway, I better head off now, I want to enjoy some more SWTOR-time before having to go take a shower and get ready for our dinner date.

1 comment:

  1. If it keeps up, please see a doctor. Maybe they could at least prescribe pain pills? *hugs*


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