Monday, February 19, 2018

New Fridge + Mom's Birthday + Left Out

Whew, so today has been pretty busy.  We started out the day sleeping in until around 9:00am.  The hubby wanted to go to the gun range today (actually, yesterday but my neck was hurting too much) but decided instead that we needed to go looking for a new refrigerator, since ours is on its way out, as it is not pushing cold air as it should be.  It'd take a few hundred bucks to fix it, but we just decided to upgrade the whole thing instead.  Six years ago, we settled for that fridge, instead of getting what we really wanted, because we were not as financially stable back then.

So after a visit to The Home Depot and Lowe's, we ended up getting our new fridge at Best Buy, a 28 cubic feet GE model in black slate.  They didn't have it available for delivery until March 8th though, so I have to wait as patiently as I can for the next three weeks.  I can't wait to see it in our kitchen!

Also, happy birthday to my mom today!!! 🎈🎂 She has had a busy day filled with friends and family, and I'm thankful for that, specifically because I'm not there.  I wish I could be there with her today, it kills me that I can't just drive a short distance to be with her anymore.  It sucks living 1600 miles away on days like today.

Speaking of family, mine is annoying me.  My extended family, that is.  I found out why I hadn't heard anything about my cousin's birth of her baby girl... she neglected to add me to the "secret" group for family that she created on Facebook, even though I am her first cousin and I've never given her a reason not to like me or anything.  Ugh.  What sucks is that this is my mom's side of the family, whom I've always been closer to... I would totally expect something like this from my dad's side, but not my mom's. 😕  However, they've kind of shown their true colors over the past few years, so I guess I shouldn't be so surprised.

Oh, in other news, I just finished the final book in the Odd Thomas series!  And I can't help but feel sad because I'm really going to miss Odd and his quirkiness brightening up my day.  I'm happy for the way things worked out for him though, in the end. 😊

1 comment:

  1. When 1 book closes, a new 1 opens!

    Hurry, fridge, hurry!

    Cousins :P , it amazes me when I hear of ones that are close.


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